Sunday 5 April 2009

An Impromptu Nature Walk

On our way back to my mum's house from Church today we thought we would walk through the fields and footpaths as it was such a beautiful day. The paths were full of wild flowers, butterflies, bees and birds, it was a gorgeous walk and we took lots of pictures to record all the flowers we saw as this area is our registered Wild Patch for CBBC's sience and nature survey - Wildchild

Here are some of our pictures.......

On the footpath

Some ponies we met.
Sunny track we walked along.
Hannah in the Forsythia.
Cowslips in the meadow.
Hannah and Grandma.
Dead Nettle.

1 comment:

Rae said...

what a beautiful walk. We have wild ponies around here as well. And the calendines and dandelions are just so pretty and proud. I love all the wild flowers, regardless of whether they are a 'weed' or not.

Thanks for the BBC link too - we use the RSPCA wildsquare; which must be a similar thing; I;m going to check out more on the BBC :)