Sunday 17 February 2013

History Group - Ford Madox Brown

This week in history group we looked at the Victorian artist Ford Madox Brown. I told the children a little bit about his life, and then we looked at some of his paintings.

We talked about the stories behind the paintings, the scenes and the characters, and answered some observational questions.

Next I asked the children to imagine a scene from their lives that they could show somone in 100 years time which would tell a little about what their lives are like today. Then they painted the scene they had imagined.
  This is Hannah's painting.

It has a tower block in the city, a tree, trampolining fun and MacDonalds!!

After the session the children all went off to play while the mums had a cup of tea, but they soon called us back to watch a play they had made up. It was lovely, they did a little Victorian sketch featuring all the people we have looked at in our sessions,

Here we have Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Charles Dickens, Sherlock Holmes, Queen Victoria and Florence Nightingale. They were awesome!

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