Friday 24 April 2015

More Riding, Climbing And Learning About The Earth

This week Hannah began cantering in her riding lessons. She has been more than ready for a while now but has lacked the confidence to try, so she was very proud this week when she finally did it - and she did it really well!

We had a couple of low key days this week as my dad was in hospital and I spent a lot of time with him (he has recovered and is home now), and then yesterday Hannah went to the first lesson of a 6 week bouldering course.

The climbing center is part of an old fort on Portsdown Hill, and the rooms are accessed through the old tunnels under the hill. Hannah DID NOT like going through the tunnels and was consequently pretty anxious when we arrived at the climbing room. She didn't feel at all confident about climbing, but after a little while she settled her nerves and managed some quite nice climbs.

Hopefully she will feel braver about the tunnels next week!

Lastly, today we have been to the East Hampshire  home education group where the children began learning  about Earth. They made models of the earths' layers and learned about volcanoes, including making a bicarb and vinegar volcanic model.

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